Saturday, August 28, 2010

life's a DRAMA

BONJOUR LES GENS! well that means hello people in french. I think I want to learn how to speak french again. I forgot most of the words I learned before. So anyway, I haven't blog in quite a long time. The reason? I was not in the mood. Haha. My life nowadays, don't get me wrong it's not that I hate it, it's just takes a lot of my energy you know? sigh. so anyway, my last post was on August 8th? that was like what? 3 weeks ago? well a lot has been happening within those 3 weeks. For starters, I fought with a lot of people. well, actually just one person. My ex best friend! Haha, did you know that we can break up with our best friends too? That sounds weird, breaking up with my best friend. Well, I found a quote, it stated that a friendship that ended never really began. So perhaps, ours never really happened? It is quite sad when I think about it. The reason of us breaking up? I don't quite know. Things were getting better for a moment there, then suddenly things just got out of our hands. We keep saying mean and hurtful stuff to each other. Nevertheless, everything happens for a reason. I'm not saying it was only his fault but mine too. Oh I don't want to dwell on this topic too much. Let's just stop here shall we?

The week after that? Hmm let's see, oh yeah! My drama, the same thing but only with different people. Haha, it's kinda funny really. But she does have the right to feel like that, I do tend to like people who I got close to. But I really hope I don't, that's for sure. Well, I'm trying to keep my distance now. I don't really text or inbox or wall him anymore.

This week! haha It's quite entertaining actually. We have exams starting on Monday, I think I did quite badly as I did not study anything. Well I got my mod maths paper. I heard Ruzain shouting my name and he said I got 83%. I was quite bummed about it. When I went to Pn.Siew, she said she can't believe I can get A for maths. She said I never do my homework, well that is a fact, I don't do homeworks anymore. Then I said, I may not concentrate in class, but I study. Techinically no, I only do it when I have to. Haha. Teachers call my name every five minutes in class, it irritates me but then again I guess the teachers and I share a mutual feeling don't we? Haha. Oh, did I mentioned that Ismah came to school? Yeah well she did, it was awkward at first. I was not really in the mood as I did not have enough sleep. But then it got better. So she gave us these sourvenirs, tees with different colours and all of us fought over it. I did not talk to them for the rest of the day. Haha the irony of it. They freaking switched the tees when I stepped outside the class to have the talk with Semah. Speaking of which, gosh dude, you really are a liar by heart, nahh I don't want to talk bad about you. So today I was supposed to buka puasa with them but my mom didn't let me. And now here I am, blogging a lot, I'm lifeless right now. I don't have anything to do. I want to watch Forest Gump now, if it ever finish downloading. So, ciao!

Monday, August 2, 2010

i love the way you lie

I'm so in love with that song. heeee

so anywho, I've been camping these past couple of days. I know right? Me, going camping. I bet if my brother saw me washing my own dishes, he would laugh his ass off. The weekend is great, I love the weekends. I've never really had that camp experience. This is like my second time going to a camp. All I have to say is, the accomodation is quite good, but I would love if I had an extra pillow though. It was super cold during the night, totally my cup of tea because I can't really sleep without air conditioner. But the things is, I could feel drops of water on my face when I sleep. It must have been raining in the middle of the night. The toilets were okay, not that clean but not that dirty either. I loved the showers. The water was cold but not that hot, it was just nice. I loved the activities. Especially the acid thing and the electric thing. I don't know what they call it. I really wanted to go rock climbing as I've never done it before. Well I guess, time doesn't allow me to do that at the time. I sat with Eda when we had to go home. Sorry Eda! I'll make it up to you someday. Hehe. Got back at home at about 9 something. I was really tired. I watched the tv with Naqi for a minute there. I woke up in the middle of the night finding myself on my bed. I don't even know how I got there. Mama woke me up in the morning for school. I groaned and told her I didn't want to go and plus my whole body aches. Suprisingly, she was okay with it. That's a first. haha. So now, here I am, blogging, I didn't even shower yet. I miss school. I miss seeing my friends, I miss gossiping with Sandy and Ruth. I miss talking to Riss. I miss HIM eventhough I'm not supposed to. HAHA guess who I miss! and I miss Suraj too eventhough he and I are technically not friends. He couldn't even look at me. But whatever, I'm giving him time to cool off just like I did with F and M. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow! I sound like a nerd. and I don't even pay attention in class. I always get scolded by teacher because I TALK WAY TOO MUCH and plus my voice is so loud. but what the heck? I still love going to school. Addio!