Tuesday, September 14, 2010

well hello there, I noticed I don't blog much. I don't really see the point though. Like I can really be honest here. Nevertheless, I'm writing aren't I? Well, Raya this year was quite okay. I don't really feel the joy of it that much. I celebrated it at Muar. Got to see my cousins, though I hate them small annoying little brats, they piss me off sometimes. They're always asking for my phone. Aliff actually saw my password and he opened my phone without asking for permission. I went ballistic, of course. I woke up late on the morning of Raya, I'm pretty sure I was the last one to wake up. Seriously, I was so sleepy. Got duit raya from my aunts and uncles. My dad gave me duit raya earlier. I was so psyched when I was holding the envelope because it was thick. Then I opened it and guess what I found? A piece of folded paper!I was like what?! and looked at my dad and there he was, laughing. I opened it and it says Selamat Hari Raya, your money has been credited to your account,love ayah. HAHAHA he really does have a good sense of humor. I can't wait to swipe my debit card again, but I really have no idea what to buy. None of the clothes I saw catch my eye, I want a new watch, though I don't want to use my own money to pay for it. This time, holidays feel shorter, to my suprise. I really thought it's going to be so boring, I'll be counting the days. Well, guess not. Au revoir!

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